Friday, February 17, 2006

Chat of the day

A jobless evening had begun to make me don a cynical garb and believe that the earth had indeed grown depleted of "men of substance" and was getting rapidly populated instead with superficial, materialistic, boring guys devoid of sticking to strong values. Just as my friends n I got together in a female-chauvinistic mood for a cup of late-night Maggi and groaned and moaned about how remaining a spinster for life was any day a better deal given the scandalizing quality of the members of the other species that we knew, I happened to talk to someone from this aparently-abhorable species n he served me some chicken soup for the soul.Long time since I had some, n I must say, yummmm it was delicious!

He (4:07:34 AM): so listen
Me (4:07:37 AM): sure
He (4:08:07 AM): My source of inspiration for what I am, what I believe and what my values are, has been my father
Me (4:08:21 AM): hmmm
He (4:08:31 AM): Who is no more but lives in the ideals I live by
He (4:09:10 AM): He used to quote a few things when i was young
Me (4:09:18 AM): oops sorry...quotes like?
He (4:09:28 AM): And I began to appreciate what he said better as I grew up
He (4:09:46 AM): One of his favorite authors was Bertrand Russell
Me (4:09:52 AM): okay
He (4:10:52 AM): So quoting my father quoting Bertrand Russell,," The four vital characteristics of a man are vitality, courage, sensitiveness and last but not the least intelligence"
He (4:10:58 AM): in that order
He (4:11:09 AM): Let me explain
Me (4:11:13 AM): hmmmm
He (4:11:20 AM): Vitality is all about
He (4:11:43 AM): the zeal to matter what age, what situation, what background
Me (4:12:22 AM): hmmm
He (4:12:52 AM): vitality is when, there is a baby trying to reach the is there is a 90 year old grandmom who hugs her grandchildren with all tender and affection
He (4:13:09 AM): The moment you lose vitality, you are better dead than living
He (4:13:20 AM): next is courage
He (4:13:26 AM): This is not bravado
He (4:13:38 AM): but the courage to face truth
He (4:13:44 AM): courage to speak truth
He (4:13:55 AM): courage to live by your convictions
Me (4:13:56 AM): hmmmm
He (4:14:03 AM): courage to say sorry
Me (4:14:06 AM): trust me, not many men can say sorry even if they feel they’re wrong. Ego does reign supreme among members of your species!
He (4:14:16 AM): courage to be humble
He (4:14:41 AM): the real courage that ultimately matters
He (4:14:49 AM): Third thing is sensitiveness
Me (4:14:51 AM): Oh man! These r some of the best words that've hit me in a long time. Im saving this conversation as a big time treasure
He (4:15:04 AM): Man is a social animal
He (4:15:15 AM): He lives in a society, in a family...he is not an island
He (4:15:44 AM): Being sensitive to each other is key to leading a good life
He (4:16:48 AM): Last but not the least, it is intelligence that marks humans as distinct for what they are
He (4:17:05 AM): true
He (4:17:55 AM): And I dont know why but this quote has stuck as the basis of what I am and what I think
Me (4:18:04 AM): good that it has! it has made such a fine gentleman out of you ...
He (4:18:18 AM): And hence if I may say...they are by default my parameters of defining "goodness"

At the end of it all, 2 visitors tried knocking on my door again:
(1) Cynicism ---- !?!Who?When?What?Where? Get out before I shut the door on your face.
(2)"No good men around" ---- Shut up! There definitely ARE delicious strawberries hidden in the heap of rotten tomatoes.Take the trouble to spot the tiny n obscure but truly yummy ones!


At 1:59 PM, Blogger Raghu said...

The second visitor knocking at ur door makes a lot of sense, while all the thoughts that went thru ur head over maggi aren't wrong either

At 3:35 PM, Blogger chutki said...

Yeah but the pessimism shifted...there IS hope at the end of the tunnel :)

At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like mush is just around the corner! :)


At 1:42 AM, Blogger chutki said...

Hell, no!!!It better not be, I'll sweep it out before it turns the corner.If this kinda admiration were to be interpreted as 'mush', ...[some things r best left unsaid:) ]

At 1:29 AM, Blogger R said...

nice thoughts really! have been amongst a sea of people lately all of whom are good at giving fundaas...or as we call it in our parlance...GLOBAL. sometimes i wonder after seeing all the forwards that keeping coming in mails about "goodness" and many of us actually walk the talk!!?


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