Monday, August 21, 2006

Success? What's that?

A Yale graduate once said "If by the time you are 35, you know what you want to do with the rest of your life, you can consider yourself an early starter". I can't agree more. Caught between a Paulo Coelho on one side who impresses me with the inspirational power of following one's dreams and the rigmarole of an MBA placement season on the other side where I don't quite fit in with the idea of a sea of people scurrying neck to neck to grab the same old fat-pay-packet, proven-to-make-you-rich beaten path jobs, I sometimes wonder what it is that I'd look for in myself or in someone else to label me/them 'successful'. Loads of money? Fame? Awesome educational degrees? Bagging the hottest seat of an unbeatably big company? "I personally know every single famous sperm that ever came to life on planet earth" kind of a strong social network? Revelling in the warmth of an immensely fulfilling relationship? A happy-as-a-lark family? ...

Or maybe, success is when I or you for that matter, just find an answer to that big question: What does success mean to you?