Lil joys that nature bestows us with
You know what's prompting me to revisit this long-forgotten place today? K & I were together flipping through some old pics I had posted, one being of the gingerbread men I had made for Nix to create a magical "Wow" for her. Reliving that memory made me realize how I've been forgetting to pin memories we're making as we go along this journey of life holding hands together. Honeybunch K is in love with the new duranta plant we got from the nursery. It's about 3 weeks old now and has already flowered 5-6 times. One giant orange flower that goes straight from bud to flower in 12 hours and then dies in the net 24 hours. Her reaction on seeing the bud is one of glee "Wow! Look what's coming next. This one's going to bloom mama". And then she calls everyone and shows it to them. And then makes umpteen visits a day to the balcony to watch its progress. And when it finally blooms, she jumps n shrieks with joy n asks me to pick her up so she can go much closer & watch the finest details of the lovely flower. What a thrill to watch herdo all this & revel in the lil joys that nature has bestowed us with. All's still well with the world, I then think.
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